Event: International Student Day 2014

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

International Student Day 2014


International Day at CIT


Students in Cork Institute of Technology will celebrate International Student day on Wednesday, 19th March 2014, during which international students from many countries will participate in a wide variety of social and cultural events across CIT’s various campus locations.


CIT is home to students from over 125 countries, making CIT a truly international environment! International Day provides a unique opportunity for international students to showcase their individual cultures and traditions, but also to learn more about Ireland’s native traditions. CIT’s International Student Society has won national awards over the last number of years for the ‘Best Society’ in Ireland.


CIT’s international students will host a Cultural Exhibition on the Bishopstown Campus from 12pm to 2pm to provide general information on their countries of origin and, where fellow CIT students and staff are invited to engage and learn about musical, culinary and social aspects of their cultures. An Erasmus Information Stand will also be onsite, where CIT students who have spent a semester abroad on Erasmus will share their experience. The Exhibition will also feature Treasures of Cork & CIT by Johnny Hanrahan. During the day, international students will get the opportunity to learn about and try out Gaelic Games, during Hurling and Gaelic Football Taster sessions; Irish Music and Dance, during a Ceili; visit the current exhibition of fine art textiles made through an artistic exchange project between CCAD & Kaunas Art Institute: Things/Daiktai at Wandesford Quay Gallery and have an “out of this world” experience at the CIT Blackrock Castle Observatory to explore space, astronomy and the origins of life while there.

Bookings for the various events need to be made by emailing isscit@gmail.com








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