Masters by Research

Munster Technological Univeristy (MTU) is committed to supporting and promoting all aspects of academic formation of postgraduate students through its constituent faculties, colleges, schools and Academic Units. Such aspects include the research project, taught modules, personal development plan, induction, progression and transfer. Postgraduate research is carried out under the supervision and guidance of appropriately qualified members of academic staff of the Institute. A student may register at MTU for a research programme leading to awards at level 9 (Masters) and level 10 (Doctoral) levels, including doctorates carried out partially or completely in the workplace. MTU provides opportunities for postgraduate study on both a full-time and a part-time basis for individuals with diverse academic, industrial and professional backgrounds and aspirations. 


Led by the Dean of Graduates Studies Dr Stephen Cassidy together with the School of Graduate Studies (SGS) Office directs development of all aspects of postgraduate study within the University. The responsibilities of the SGS Office include coordinating academic and administrative processes relevant to Postgraduates providing advice and support for both postgraduate students and research supervisors.


Research Masters

Learning outcomes at Level 9 (whether by research or otherwise) relate to the demonstration of knowledge and understanding which is at the forefront of a field of learning. The outcomes relate to the application of knowledge, understanding and problem solving abilities in new or unfamiliar contexts related to a field of study. The outcomes are associated with an ability to integrate knowledge, handle complexity and formulate judgements. Outcomes associated with Level 9 would link with employment as a senior professional or manager with responsibility for the work outputs of teams. Students for the Degree of Master by Research will be expected to acquire a mastery of the principles and theory underlying their chosen subject and a knowledge and appreciation of the relevant literature.


The MTU Master’s degree will also include a structured taught element to provide the Research Candidate with the skills and knowledge necessary for the pursuit of the proposed research. This will consist, at a minimum, of a 5 credit Core Research Skills module. Students may complete up to a maximum of 15 credits of approved learning in the form of relevant transferrable skills modules, discipline-specific modules and work-placement or other professional learning. This should be agreed beforehand with the student’s Graduate Supervisory Panel and be included in the student’s Personal Development Plan.


Entry requirements

In order to qualify for entry to the Masters Register, an applicant is normally required to possess an Honours Bachelor Degree (Level 8) with a performance equivalent to at least a second class honours in a relevant field of study from a recognised degree-awarding institution.


Duration of Studies Leading to Master’s Degree

The normal duration of studies leading to the Degree of Master by Research for full-time students is twenty-one months (two academic years) from the date of admission to the Masters Register. In exceptional circumstances, the University may vary the required and permitted duration of the programme.


Application Procedure

Step one: Choose a programme; MTU currently offers Masters by Research across all discipline areas within the University.


Step two: Check entry requirements; Students should confirm they are eligible to commence a research masters, if you have any queries please don’t hesitate to contact the Graduate Studies Office by email  or 021 4355099


Step Three: Find a supervisor; Once students know which area or topic they wish to research, a compatible supervisor should be sought. Please contact the Head of Department for that discipline areas who may be able to advise you regarding a potential supervisor. Your supervisor will help you prepare an outline proposal along with an application form to become registered as a student in MTU.


Step 4: Application; Completed application forms are returned to the School of Graduate Studies office along with supporting documents such as transcript of results and outline proposal of your research. Once you are registered, the fees office will contact you about paying your appropriate fee.


The application form is available from the Graduate Studies Office or by clicking here


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