Research Integrity


Responsible Research and Innovation is at the heart of MTU’s research and innovation system. MTU is committed to ensuring the highest standards of professionalism and rigour, and to the accuracy and integrity in all aspects of our research. Research integrity is intrinsic to MTU’s research activity and research excellence. 


MTU is a member of the National Forum on Research Integrity, the membership of which is drawn from research funders, research performing organisations and other relevant organisations. MTU adheres to the National Policy Statement on Ensuring Research Integrity in Ireland.


The MTU Code of Good Practice in Research outlines the key requirements of all those engaged with research in MTU, including all researchers, students, technical, administrative and research support staff. The Code summarises the principles and the practices under which research in MTU must be carried out and includes the associated policies that may be relevant during the course of your research. The Code is available at Code Good Practice in Research (June 2019)


MTU’S policy and procedure documents governing other aspects of the Institute's practices are available on the main Reports and Policies page




All active researcher staff and research students in the University are required to undertake research integrity training. This is delivered online via Epigeum Impact and includes a robust certification framework based on the key learner outcomes.


MTU postgraduate students also have the option of taking a 5-credit Research Integrity module. This module counts towards the credit requirements of MTU’S Structured PhD process, which is a process applicable to all PhD students across all disciplines.


If you are a researcher, postgraduate student or work in a supportive role and have not yet completed the Research Integrity training or have questions about the training programme please contact the Research Office at who will be able to assist you with access to the online course.


MTU has a designated Research Integrity & Compliance Officer, Dr Sean Lacey, who is a founding member of the Cross Institutional Research Integrity Training (CIRIT) – a consortium of Higher Education Institutions in Ireland with a focus on facilitating training on research integrity.  For further information please contact



In exceptional circumstances the possibility of misconduct in research arises. The Institute has developed a draft Protocol for Dealing with Research Misconduct which outlines the steps to be taken in assessing whether wilful misconduct has taken place. Copies of the draft protocol may be requested from


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