Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

  •  I have an official document which needs to be signed and stamped by the University. Which office do I need to go to?

Once you are enrolled on your course please bring the document to the Admissions office on the ground floor of the Admin Building where they will sign & stamp it for you.

  •  I need a letter confirming I am a student in MTU, who should I contact?

Your Department Secretary will provide you with this letter. Please go to MTU Cork Contacts Details and scroll  down for a list of the Department Secretaries and their contact details.

  •  How do I enrol for my electives?

Details will be emailed to your Student email account including the deadline for enrolment. For further details please go to: - Registering  for Electives


Fee Assessment Questions

  • I am a new full-time undergraduate student, how much will I have to pay?

Your fees will depend on your Nationality, Residency in the EU and your previous academic history. The majority of students who are EU Nationals, resident in the EU for 3 out of the past 5 years and attending college for the 1st time will be liable for €3,007 for the year. Where such students have been awarded a full SUSI Grant (€3,000) they will only be liable for the €7 USI Levy.

To check which category you will be assessed under please go to Full-time Undergraduate Fee Assessment Information

  • I am starting a full-time course in MTU and I have previously attended 3rd level in another college. How do I ensure I am only charged the tuition fees for the repeat period of study?

You must request your previous college to complete the Previous College Form and return it to the Fees Office in MTU Cork to ensure you are not charged tuition fees for full duration of your new course.

  • I am a repeat student and I am only sitting the exams I am not attending any classes. I have Web Registered for my modules, why are my fees so expensive?

Exams only students who web register for their module will be charged the full repeat & attending fees. To register for exams only you must complete the registration form, have it approved by your head of Department and return it to the admissions office who will then update your enrolment. Once this is done we will reassess your fees.


  • I am enrolled on a Full-time course but I am not doing all the modules I am attending Part-time. Why am I being charged the Full Fee?

Please advise the admissions office as soon as possible, once your enrolment is updated we can reassess your fees.


  •  I informed my lecturer at the start of the year that I was leaving my course, why am I still being charged fees and getting reminder emails?

If you wish to withdraw from your course you must inform the Admissions office directly by completing the online withdrawal form. It is the student’s responsibility to inform Admissions of their withdrawal or deferral.


  • I Deferred last year, why am I still being charged the fees again this year?

If you deferred after October 31st (Semester 1) or February 28th (Semester 2) you will be charged the repeat fee when you return in a subsequent year. Students should only be granted a deferral after the above dates where there are extenuating circumstances such as Medical issues or a family bereavement. In such cases students can apply to the registrar for a credit of fees paid in a previous year. For an application form and information please contact the Cork Registrar Office


  •  I am a Part-time student and I enrolled for my electives yesterday. Why are the additional fees are not showing on my account when I check my fee balance?

 When Part-time students enrol for their electives the fees office must reassess their fees and apply the additional cost to the students account. This may take up to 3-5 working days during the busy periods.


Fee payment Questions

  • How do I check the balance on my account and make a payment?

Please go to and select “Make Payment Online”

To login you will need your Student ID number & Password which you received during registration.

This page also includes bank A/C details should students wish to pay by bank Transfer. Please ensure you include the Students ID number when paying by Bank Transfer.

  • How do I get a receipt once I have made a payment?

You can login to your account at any stage and print a receipt once you have made a payment.

  • Can I pay the full amount due at the start of the year?

Yes, where courses run over the full academic year students can pay the full amount in September and overpay their accounts where fees have yet to be applied for Semester 2.

  • I have tried to pay online but I keep getting an error message, why is this happening?

There maybe a daily limit on your credit / debit card e.g. €1500 so if you are trying to pay €1507 it will be rejected. Try paying a lesser amount to see if this resolves the issue. You also need to ensure you are set up for 3D Secure where you need to authorise the payment.

  • What are the implications if I don’t pay my fees on time? 

Your access to essential IT Services will be blocked. You may incur a 10% late fee and you won’t be able to access your exam results or progress to the next year of your course. Students will be notified by email to their student A/C before any restrictions are applied.


SUSI Grant Questions

  • How do I apply for a SUSI Grant?

Students must apply online to SUSI. For further information please go to: SUSI Grant Process SUSI

  • My Fees are €3,007 for the year, I have been awarded a full grant (€3,000) but when I check my Fee balance online its still showing that I owe the full fees for the year.

SUSI Notify MTU directly every week if any of our students have been awarded grants. To ensure you are on this list please check your SUSI grant letter to see which course and college you have been awarded a grant for. If the letter states another college or University this is the reason you are not on the file sent to MTU.

Please login to your SUSI account and update your Online SUSI Course Change Notification Form: you can inform SUSI that you have accepted a place on a course at any time after you have submitted your grant application by submitting an online Course Change Notification Form through the homepage of your online SUSI account (previously known as Final Course Acceptance – FCA).

Once this is done you should be included in the next weekly file to MTU and we will update your account.

  •  I have been awarded the 50% grant (1,500) does this mean I only have to pay the Semester 2 fees?

No. The €1500 award is for the full academic year so you will be liable for €757 in Semester 1 and €750 in Semester 2.

  •  I am a postgraduate student and SUSI have awarded me a grant of €3,500 how much do I need to pay each semester?

You will be liable for the balance each semester where the grant doesn’t cover the full fee. e.g. your fees for the year are €5,000 + €7 USI. Your grant is €3,500. Therefore, you will be liable for

€757 in Semester 1 and €750 in Semester 2

Fees €2,500 per semester - €1750 Grant per Semester + USI €7 Semester 1. = €757 / Sem 2 €750.

  •  I was in receipt of a grant last year but I am not entitled to a grant this year. My balance is currently €7. How do I get my account updated?

Please let the fees office know that your grant has not been renewed and we will update your account.


Back to Education allowance

  • If I am in receipt of the Back to Education allowance will the social welfare fund my College fees?

No, The Back to education allowance does not cover your college fees. Students must submit a separate application to SUSI for a Fees grant to cover some or all of your fees.


Student Assistance fund and MTU Scholarships:


  • Is there funding available other than the SUSI grant to help pay my Fees?

Students in financial difficulty can apply for the Student Assistance fund. For details please go to: - Student Assistance Fund

Students can also apply for several scholarship programmes available to our students: For details please go to: CIT - Cork Institute of Technology -Scholarships


Third Party Funding other than SUSI

  • My Fees are being funded by a 3rd party other than SUSI how do I arrange payment?

Please request the 3rd party to confirm they will be funding your fees by emailing including the amount of funding, the Billing Address and Purchase Order Number if applicable.

  • When I accepted my offer online I indicated my employer was funding my fees. Why is the balance still showing on my account?

Where students indicate their employer is funding their fees we contact the employer directly for confirmation and additional information such as the billing address & Purchase Order number etc. Until Such time as the employer confirms they are funding the student we do not transfer the fees to the employers account. If the employer fails to respond the fees will remain on the students account.


Withdrawing from your course:

  •  I wish to leave my course, what do I need to do?

It is essential that students complete the online withdrawal form as soon as possible and submit it to the Admissions office. Informing your Head of Department or a lecturer is not sufficient. Your enrolment must be updated by the Admissions office.   

  • If I withdraw before a certain date am I entitled to a refund?

Students should familiarise themselves with the refund policy which outlines the deadline dates for withdrawing & deferring in order to receive a refund.

  •  If I withdraw and I am entitled to a refund how will this be processed?

If you paid by Credit/Debit Card the Fees office will automatically process the refund to your card. If you paid by Bank Transfer the fees office will send you a refund form to complete.

Deferring your course:

  • What are the deadlines for deferring my course to avoid paying fees again when I return?

Students must defer before 31st October in Semester 1 & 28th February in Semester 2. The deferral form must be submitted to the Admissions on or before these dates. Students who defer after these dates will be charged the repeat & attending fees when they return. Where there are extenuating circumstances students can apply to the registrar for a credit of Fees paid in the previous year.

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