MTU Cork Campus is fully committed to making its web pages accessible to all. This web site meets level 'AA'
compliance with W3C's Web Accessibility Initiative
Is our text too small?
The MTU Cork Campus website is designed to allow you to change the size of the text to suit your own needs. If the text is too small for you to read comfortably then there is a strong possibility that your computer set up needs to be altered slightly.
Most web browsers let you increase and decrease the size of text, images, and other web page content with "zoom" features. Some browsers let you choose to zoom only the text size.
To change the zoom in most browsers, press the following two keys at the same time:
In Windows, Linux, and Chrome OS:
- To zoom bigger: "Ctrl" and "+" keys
- To zoom smaller: "Ctrl" and "-" keys
Mac OS:
- To zoom bigger: "⌘" and "+" keys
- To zoom smaller: "⌘" and "-" keys
Browsers provide specific guidance on different ways to change the page zoom or text-only zoom:
- Google Chrome - Change text, image, and video sizes (zoom)
- Apple Safari - Zoom in on webpages
- Mozilla Firefox - Font size and zoom
- Opera - Zoom
- Internet Explorer - Ease of access options
- Microsoft Edge - Ease of Access in Microsoft Edge
- Vivaldi - Zooming options in Vivaldi
PDF/Adobe Format
Some of the information on this website is available in PDF format to provide for easier reading and printing of documents.
This format is not always accessible. Newer PDF documents are being created in accessible PDF format but many of the
documents on site predate that particular format. Please let us know if you are having difficulty with the particular format
of a document and we will endeavour to forward a more accessible version. Requests should be forwarded to
Maintaining accessibility
MTU Cork Campus is committed to maintaining and monitoring the accessibility of our websites. The university will be developing a new MTU website to replace this website in the coming months and is committed to ensuring best practices for accessability in its development. As part of this process we welcome any comment, suggestions or details of problems encountered from users. Comments should be sent to