Full time Year 1

How do I apply for a full-time Year 1 course in MTU - Cork Campus?

EU Applications to Year 1 full-time programmes must be made through the Central Applications Office (CAO) in Galway, www.cao.ie, phone: 091 509800. The closing date is 1st February or for late applications, 1st May (apart from certain restrictions, see below). A change of mind can be made by 1st July (apart from certain restrictions, see below). If there are vacant places available on some courses, they will be listed on the CAO website from the end of August onwards - applications may be made for those courses through the CAO in August.

If you are already attending a 3rd level institution in Ireland and wish to apply for Year 1 of another course, you must apply via the CAO. If you decide to apply after 1st May (late deadline) you will need to get a CAO application form from the institute you are currently attending, have the form stamped by your current institution, and send back to the CAO before 22nd July.


For information on how points are calculated for qualifications from your country, go to www.cao.ie, click on Applicant Scoring, and choose your country.


EU & Non-EU Students: Points to Note for the SUSI Grant

The following notes are for information sharing purposes.  Please refer to the MTU Fees website for up-to-date information about the SUSI grant application process, Fees | Munster Technological University - MTU.

EU Students (Resident in the EU for 3 out of the past 5 years & attending 3rd level for the 1st time)

  • You do not need a college offer to submit a SUSI grant application.
  • If you submit an early application and later decide you will not be attending college, simply log into your student portal. Select “My Requests” from the home page. Complete the cancellation request and include your name, SUSI grant application number, email address and cancellation reason. Hit the “Submit” Button to send the request to SUSI.

Non-EU Students

  • Important: Non-EU students living in the EU must ensure they have the full 3 out of 5 years proven residency within the EU to be eligible for EU fees.
  • Otherwise, students enrolled as Non-EU will be assessed for Non-EU Fees of €13,500 per annum.  

I am presenting foreign qualifications; how do I apply for a full-time course in MTU - Cork Campus?

All applicants presenting qualifications from outside of Ireland, England and Wales must apply for full-time Year 1 programmes via the CAO system www.cao.ie by 1st February or for late applications, 1st May. Note: there is no change of mind facility after 1st May for those presenting foreign qualifications.


Non-EU applicants paying non-EU fees, click here.


ERASMUS: Please click here or send queries to erasmus@cit.ie  or phone +353 21 433 6689.

I have a QQI/FET qualification, can I apply for a MTU Cork Campus full-time Year 1 course?

To apply based on your QQI Awards, applicants must obtain a QQI Level 5/6 major award totalling 120 credits. If you do not possess a Leaving Certificate, you will need to have passed a QQI Maths Module - please refer to the CAO website for acceptable QQI Maths modules in place of the Leaving Certificate Maths. Some courses may require a specific major award and/or a specific grade in specific components. Please refer to the CAO website for QQI entry requirements and the Scoring Scheme for QQI Qualifications, http://www.cao.ie/index.php?page=scoring&s=fetac&bb=studentresources.

What is the closing date for applications to full-time Year 1 programmes?

The closing date for applications to Year 1 via the CAO is 1st February.
The late closing date for applications to most courses via the CAO is 1st May.

The following courses must be applied for by 1st February:

CR210 Contemporary Applied Art, (Ceramics, Glass, Textiles) (Portfolio required)
CR220 Fine Art (Portfolio required)
CR225 Photography with New Media (Portfolio required)
CR600 Visual Communications (Portfolio required)


For further information, please consult the MTU Cork Full-time Prospectus.

Available/Vacant Places

Sometimes there are places available on particular courses. Check the CAO website www.cao.ie  from mid-August onwards, and apply directly through the CAO.

Where do I find full details and entry requirements for MTU Cork Campus courses?

Full details and entry requirements for all MTU Cork Campus courses can be found on www.mtu.ie/courses or through the prospectus builder, www.cit.ie/prospectivestudents/getcitprospectus/.

The Points System

The Points system is a method of calculating a value for grades obtained in the Irish Leaving Certificate or FETAC qualification for each subject taken.
The Central Applications Office (CAO) in Galway operates this system on behalf of all third level colleges in Ireland. For full details on the Points system please refer to either the CAO Handbook.

Where can I find the CAO Points Scoring System?

The CAO Points Scoring System is available in the CAO Handbook, the MTU Cork full-time Prospectus or on both the CAO www.cao.ie  and the MTU Cork websites. The points requirements for previous years can be seen.


Cut-off points are calculated by applying a scoring system to the grades obtained in the Irish Leaving Certificate or FETAC qualification. There are different scoring systems for the Irish Leaving Certificate and for FETAC qualifications. The purpose of cut-off points is to establish a ranking order for applicants for courses within the CAO system.


Cut-off points are only relevant where the numbers of qualified applicants for a course exceed the available places.


MTU Cork Round 1 cut-off points for the previous year are available inside the back cover of the MTU Cork full-time Handbook and on the CAO website, www.cao.ie , under Points.


I have a learning difference, medical condition or disability, how do I apply to DARE?

All applicants are welcome at MTU.

MTU is part of the DARE (Disability Access Route to Education) scheme which is offers eligible applicants with learning differences, health conditions and disabilities reduced points places on Full-time Year 1 programmes based on their Leaving Certificate results– see www.accesscollege.ie for more information.


Applicants applying for DARE must:

  1. Be under the age of 23 as of 1 January for September entry. 
  2. Apply for Full-time Year 1 programmes via the CAO system www.cao.ie  by 17:15 pm on 1 February.
  3. No later than 17:15 pm on 1 March, disclose your disability and/or specific learning difficulty in your CAO application and fully and correctly complete Section A of the Supplementary Information Form (SIF).
  4. Complete all documentation required (section B and section C/ reports) and return to CAO to arrive by 17:15 pm on 1 April.


For more information about the places available under DARE in MTU Cork Campus please see DARE | Munster Technological University - MTU. Please email your queries to dsscork@mtu.ie or phone the CAO on 091 4509800 or the MTU Cork Campus Disability Support Service on 021 4335107 / 5137.


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