Lydia Emily Moore- Graduate Blog

Lydia Emily Moore is a CIT graduate of both Culinary Arts and Digital Marketing! Currently part of the Jameson Graduate Programme she works as a Marketing Assistant for Jameson Travel Retail.

She kindly put together a blog post about her experiences as part of our CIT Alumni of the Week- just in time for GradFest 2017!

What attracted you to Pernod Ricard and the Jameson Graduate Programme as a grad?

I felt the Jameson Graduate Programme really suited my personality, my love for marketing and travelling. The company is incredibly diverse, no two days are the same. It’s a programme where you gain both outstanding professional skills and life experience.

How do you spend your days on the Graduate Programme?

My role is based in Head Office. I support my manager on all Jameson Global Travel Retail incentives and manage certain Travel Retail projects. My days can vary from, Research, Reports, Presentations, photoshoots, organising events to working with designers on new projects. As I said no two days are the same! 

What are "must have" skills for a job like yours?

Need to be able to work as a team is a must! Outgoing, independent, diverse, flexible and being able to stand on your own two feet is vital. Being serious whilst also not taking yourself too seriously!

How do you think this programme will help you in your future career?

The programme is a fantastic foundation for whatever career path I may take. I have only been with the company 6 months and already I have learnt so much compared to when I first started.The variation of tasks within my role as a graduate means that I’m gaining so many different skills that will be essential in my future career.

What are your top tips for grads when applying for jobs?

Before you begin to apply for roles try and gain as much experience as you possibly can. Push yourself, try new things, volunteer, travel and get in contact with someone that currently works in your field of interest. It makes the decision of what to apply for so much easier when you have gained some experience. Talking to someone gives you a clearer indication of the job and travelling shows you what’s out there in the world, plus these are great on your application and a useful talking point in an interview.


One more tip, be the best version of yourself when applying for jobs. No matter what your hobbies, interests and achievements put them in!

What one piece of advice would you offer all soon-to-be graduates that are leaving college and joining the working world?

Relax! For all your school and college life, each September you have known what you are going to do. Next thing finals are upon you and it’s time to step into the big world and it is incredibly daunting. If you know exactly what you are going to do that’s fantastic, if you don’t, don’t worry life is for living not worrying. Keep upskilling, keep trying new things, put in the effort and follow your heart. I started college thinking I knew exactly what I wanted to be, then my career plan completely changed once I started Digital Marketing. Applying for the Programme is the best decision I ever made and I couldn’t be happier. Enjoy this time and the right door will open for you.

Tell us one quirky thing nobody would know about you?

When travelling, I walk the length of cities finding the best coffee shops, bars, restaurants and markets. I’m obsessed!

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