Reply by Mr. T. W. Russell to the Vote of Thanks
Reply by Mr. T. W. Russell to the Vote of Thanks
(As reported in Cork Examiner 17th January 1912)
Mr. T. W. Russell said that on behalf of the Department and himself he thanked them heartily for their vote of thanks. He was glad to be there for more reasons than one. It was something actually new to hear anything good of himself (laughter). He had started his life with the determination that he would never leave himself open to the malediction, “Woe unto you when all men speak well of you” (laughter). He had kept clear of that beyond doubt.
It was a joy to come here to find that the citizens of Cork believed that he could do something right. True, the members of the Press – he would not say of Cork – but the public Press had painted him such a monster, and having done so many things that he should not have done, and of holding so many views which he never held, and was unlikely to hold until the Day of Judgement, that he really began to think it would be excusable to take them at their word and write himself down as they thought him (laughter).
He was glad to be there engaged in that good work. In the past, as his friends on the Committee knew, they had some little difficulties, mostly of a financial character, and all he could say was that scab as he was, he was not able to hold a candle to them (laughter). He was beaten in every encounter (laughter). He left Cork every time he came to it a much poorer man – that was the Department (laughter).
He was glad to be there to see them starting on their new career, and his pleasure in being there was enhanced by many faces he saw on the platform and in the hall – some of them were fellow workers with him in both technical and agricultural education. There was his old friend Mr. Maurice Healy – what had he not said of him in the great Talking Shop, and what had not Mr. Healy said of him (laughter). Well, was it not a delightful thing that he should meet Mr. Maurice Healy as a really hearty friend, not only co-operating in that work, but co-operating in many others and agreeing many things. Why should they not agree (applause). It would be a very dull world if they had not something to differ about, and perhaps the things they agreed on were of far greater an importance than were those on which they disagreed.
Then there was Mr. McDonald who was one of he pillars of the Department, and he did not know what he would not do if Mr. McDonald was not on the Board and on the Council. He was deeply grateful to him for coming there to meet those who represented the Department, and to give them his good wishes.
There were others in the meeting whom he also saw, older friends than Mr. Healy or Mr. McDonald, friends of his for twenty or twenty five years in the city. It did him good to come there to see friends like those, and so he would do what he was not in the habit of doing, and give them a toast – “To their next merry meeting” (laughter). He was not sure they would all be in such good temper but at all events when it came he would be there and he had not the slightest doubt they would get the better of him (laughter and applause).