NMCI is an International Exemplar of High Quality Maritime Education
Published on: Sunday, 05 July 2015
CIT President Dr Brendan Murphy speaking at the Conferrings at The National Maritime College of Ireland at Ringaskiddy on 18th June, said that the NMCI had changed the face of maritime education in Ireland and had become an international exemplar of best practice.
Degrees awarded included Bachelor of Science in Nautical Science, Bachelor of Engineering in Marine Engineering, and Bachelor of Arts in Leadership Management & Naval Studies. Over 50 graduates received their parchments.
Dr Murphy said the shared vision of maritime education, training and professional development by CIT, the Irish Naval Service and the Department of Education and Defence ensures that the education available at the NMCI is world class.
“This national college represents a State investment of the order of €55 million euros in maritime education and training, thereby ensuring that the education and training provided are world class and that the continuing professional development of our graduates will also be well catered for in the years to come.”
Dr Murphy highlighted the continued success of NMCI Services which offers specialist maritime training and consultancy both at home and abroad. “2015 will see the continued expansion of training programmes both here at the NMCI and the provision of consultancy services abroad to places such as the Canary Islands, Singapore, Angola, and the Philippines.”
The NMCI is continuing to develop its research and innovation activities with regional, national and international partners. Initiatives include the Halpin Centre for maritime research and innovation. The continued development of the Irish Maritime and Energy Resource Cluster (IMERC) involving a partnership between CIT, the Naval Service and UCC provides a focus within Ireland for applied research and enterprise development in the maritime and energy sector. The IMERC initiative is also developed with the support of the Port of Cork Company, the IDA and Enterprise Ireland as well as a number of key private sector businesses.”
Dr Murphy spoke about CIT’s progress towards Technological University designation and the importance of the role the NMCI will play in the new University. “We were delighted when in December of last year the Minister for Education and Skills informed us that the International Review panel had found our detailed proposal to create in partnership with IT-Tralee the MTU both credible and realizable”.
Dr Murphy offered his congratulations to the Graduates on their achievements and wished them well in to the future.