Languages through Lenses European Competition

Languages through Lenses European Competition

Published on: Monday, 21 February 2011

ELIA - European League of Institutes of the Arts - in cooperation with CILECT- International Association of Film and Television Schools - is organising this competition on behalf of European Commission and in partnership with PRIX EUROPA.

Linguistic diversity and intercultural exchanges enrich as well as complicate our societies. Through this competition we invite students to give a contribution to the awareness of the benefits of language learning, the value of speaking several languages and the richness of intercultural exchanges, by using the language of the arts.

We are looking for proposals for new audiovisual productions that are innovative, witty, creative, unexpected, motivating and that explore the potential of multilingualism and the challenges it creates. The proposals should deliver a clear message, be self-explanatory and easily understandable to a broad public with different backgrounds and mother tongues.

Applications will be accepted from students in their third, fourth or fifth year of study / the final year of bachelor degree or who are part of a Master’s degree programme at ELIA and CILECT member institutions in the 27 European Union Member States and in Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Turkey.

Successful applicants will receive a production grant of €5000, will be invited to a 2 day workshop in Amsterdam and to the PRIX EUROPA Festival in Berlin where the finalised audiovisual productions will be presented. A DVD will be produced and distributed to television stations and festivals.

Applications can be uploaded until 25 March 2011.

It’s easy, please go to
for more information, to register and to submit your documents in a few steps. Guidelines for uploading are included

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