Event: CIT Disability Support Service DARE Clinics
Wednesday, 13 November 2013
Parents and students are welcome to attend these clinics.
Information regarding DARE, please log onto www.accesscollege.ie
The Disability Access Route to Education (DARE) is a college and university admissions scheme which offers places on a reduced points basis to school leavers under 23 years old with disabilities. DARE has been set up by a number of colleges & universities as evidence shows that disability can have a negative effect on how well a student does at school and whether they go on to college.
CIT Disability Support Service will host DARE Clinics on the following dates
- 13th November 2013
- 3rd December 2013
These Advice Clinics are being held to guide you through the process of applying for the DARE scheme. There will also be an opportunity to speak to the Disability Support Service staff about specific applications.
Prior booking is essential
Please email christine.nolan@cit.ie to reserve a place or call 021-4335138.
Please note there has been a room change for the DARE Clinic that is being held tomorrow (13/11/2013) on the Bishopstown Campus. The clinic will now take place in B243, B Block, Main Building from 6pm- approx 9pm.