CIT CCAD and Kaunas Art Institute hook up for an exhibition at the Wandesford.

CIT CCAD and Kaunas Art Institute hook up for an exhibition at the Wandesford.

Published on: Tuesday, 04 February 2014

8th March – 12th April , 2014
Wednesday to Saturday 10am to 6pm
Wandesford Quay Gallery

For more information, please click here

THINGS / DAIKTAI will  open on Friday, 7th  March 7th, 2014 at 6pm by Prof. Lesley Millar, MBE, International Curator, Author, Educator. The exhibition is in association with CIT Crawford College of Art and Design BA (Hons) in Contemporary Applied Art (Ceramics, Glass and Textiles) and MAKE Symposium in CIT Cork School of Music.

Things/Daiktai is an exhibition of  textile artwork made through an exchange project between 35 textiles students from CIT Crawford College of Art and Design (CCAD) and Kaunas Art Institute of Vilnius Academy of the Arts, Lithuania. The students have been exchanging ideas over the past few months and have created work in response to the theme of ‘Things’ (or ‘Daiktai’ in Lithuanian).

CIT CCAD textiles lecturer Pamela Hardesty explains the ideas behind the project title, ‘‘Our world is increasingly a fabric of unregarded things:  including the everyday objects of our lives. In this project the objects have become clues for the students, to explore the different culture and meaning around the objects .’’

Some of the artists have embraced traditional textile forms including patchwork and weaving while others have taken a more contemporary approach to the medium, from poetry written in human hair,  deconstructed garments, to interactive sculptural pieces.

The objects chosen as inspiration points include a key, a button, hairpin, fruit net among other everyday items which became, for students, suggestions to culture and meaning, and from which they have responded in creative textiles works.

The originating objects and some developmental studies  will inform finished textiles works in the exhibition.

Donna Coogan, Try Mango, (Detail), human hair and contact paper, 5ft x 2.5ft.
Rachel Doolin, Untitled, Milk protein fibre, grass seed, copper wire, 40 cm x 40cm x 10cm.

Derek O’ Meara, Napkin Army, found object assemblages, dimensions variable.


Ann Mechelinck, Language Of Letting Go, (Detail) mixed media, 2.5ft x 6ft.

CCAD Textiles Students working on their artworks for Things/Daiktai
(L-R) Derek O’Meara, Enya Fortuna, and Elisa Feireteir.

Kaunus Art Institute Textiles Students receiving textile samples from CCAD textiles students.


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