Event: CIT Students Hope to Snap World Record for "Selfies"
Wednesday, 12 February 2014
The CIT Selfie World Record attempt takes place in CIT’s Nexus Centre on its Bishopstown Campus at 1pm on Wednesday, 12th February as part of CIT Rag Week.
For further information please contact sinead.huskisson@cit.ie
CIT Economics students are attempting to set a new world record for the greatest number of people taking a “selfie” at once. Selfie – "a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a smartphone or webcam and uploaded to a social media website" – was the Oxford Dictionaries’ Word of the Year and the students are hoping to set a record and raise lots of money for charity.
According to Sinéad Huskisson, Lecturer in Economics in the Department of Management & Enterprise at CIT, there isn’t a current Selfie record and this attempt, run by first year Business Studies Economics students, could be the first.
“We are hoping that the record will be set by students here at CIT and, as students of all disciplines are welcome, we expect that over 400 students will take part. One may ask what’s this got to do with economics? Well, in macroeconomics, measures of a country’s wealth are examined and it has been noticed that, despite recession and austerity measures, Ireland is a rich country relative to many others.
The charity - to be chosen by first year business students - will be one where the beneficiaries are based in a country with a GDP per capita lower than that of Ireland.”