CIT meets Industry Needs
Published on: Monday, 03 March 2014
On Thursday, 6th March 6th, over 30 employers from the areas of culinary, tourism and hospitality will meet with students in the Department of Tourism & Hospitality at the CIT Bishopstown Campus as part of the Department’s annual Career Fair. Employers will get a chance to speak to students who are graduating later this year and entering into the jobs market, along with those looking for part-time and summer work opportunities.
Adrian Gregan, Head of the Department of Tourism & Hospitality commented “At this week’s Irish Hotels Federation Conference we heard that there are 3,000 entry-level positions needed every year in the tourism sector in Ireland, and our career day allows industry to link in with our students to fill some of these positions in what is a recovering tourism sector”.
The inaugral career fair was held in 2013 and many businesses reported that they filled positions as a direct result of their engagement with students on the day. The event allows the various businesses to exhibit to the students, along with offering private interview facilities, followed by a luncheon for the various industry representatives which is prepared and served by the students so that they can showcase their skills to potential future employers.
The Department of Tourism and Hospitality at CIT encompasses the areas of Culinary Arts, Tourism, Hospitality and Bar Management. It has over 650 students and a team of dedicated student-centred industry experienced Lecturers across these disciplines and is located in a modern purpose-built building on CIT’s Bishopstown Campus.