Deferring a place on a course


I have been offered a place via the CAO - how do I defer my course for a year?

1st year undergraduate applicants who have been offered a place via the CAO must follow the deferral procedures outlined in the CAO Handbook.


Contact MTU in Cork Admissions with your request without delay by emailing Give your reason for requesting a deferral.


Please note that it is not possible to defer full-time courses delivered at the MTU Cork School of Music - you will have to reapply the following year.


Please be aware of the fees and grant implications you may face by deferring your course. Information regarding Fees can be found here.



I am already attending classes in MTU Cork Campus, how do I apply for a deferral of my classes for a year?

To apply for a deferral, a Deferral Application Form must be completed and approved by your Head of Department. Once approved the deferral form must be returned to the MTU Cork Admissions office ( by 31st October, or 28th February for deferring Semester 2.

Students are advised to research the fees and grant implications they may face by deferring their course. Information regarding Fees can be found here.

If you are unsure, and would like to discuss your options further please contact the Careers Service on 021-4326232 or email  

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