MTU President Message to Alumni


Dear Alumni,

Happy New Year and Happy First Birthday to MTU.

We achieved so much in 2021. Demand from CAO applicants surged, with first-preference honours degree applications for MTU courses rising by more than 16% in 2021, almost twice the national average. In addition, the KTI Annual Knowledge Transfer Survey 2020 indicated that total research expenditure in MTU exceeded €22M, the highest total achieved across Ireland’s Technological Universities and Institutes of Technology. Also, MTU was Ireland’s top-ranked Technological University in the Sunday Times Good University Guide for 2022, and was also University of the Year for COVID Impact.
I invite you to take a look back at some of the highlights of our first year. I hope you enjoy the highlights, which represent just a small sample of our great events and achievements in 2021. Let’s continue to succeed together in 2022.




As move forward into 2022, we are committed to working with our collaborators and stakeholders to deliver on our ambitions so that, in the future, there will be a great, global Munster Technological University for the South West of Ireland which we can all be proud of, regardless of whether we are at home or abroad.

Happy Birthday MTU.  Every best wish to our alumni for 2022.

Yours sincerely,

Professor Maggie Cusack, FRSE. 



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