EU Projects Support


Leading & Partnering in EU projects is an important part of CIT's work, increasing our network of international contacts, funding new research and opening up new horizon’s and development opportunities for staff and students.

Cork Institute of Technology is committed to developing and maintaining the widest international contacts and our engagement in EU projects is an excellent method of building strong work & research relationships with organizations throughout the European Union and beyond.

CIT operates a strategic approach to building partnerships and undertaking research projects which support the core strengths of the institute. We also place strong emphasis on building and supporting our innovation & entrepreneurship services through transnational and interregional cooperation projects. 

CIT European Partner Regions Map: 

View CIT European Partner Regions in a larger map

Included below are links to a number of current projects aimed at assisting companies in the region to grow.

Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs (EYE) 

EYE is a cross-border exchange programme which gives new or aspiring entrepreneurs the chance to learn from experienced entrepreneurs running small businesses in other European Union countries.CIT/ Rubicon is a partner in a consortium which means that we can send young entrepreneurs to other countries as well as hosting entrepreneurs from other countries within the Rubicon Centre. 

The exchange of experience takes place during a stay with the experienced entrepreneur, which helps the new entrepreneur acquire the skills needed to run a small firm. The host benefits from fresh perspectives on his/her business and gets the opportunities to cooperate with foreign partners or learn about new markets. For more information:

Interreg Atlantic area

 the Geo Atlantic project  investigates alternative and sustainable energy sources. The GeoAtlantic project  promotes the use of geothermal energy in local communities for the production of heat and power.The general objective of this project is to develop cooperation methodologies and tools to create conditions to make energy production in the Atlantic Area viable.

The improvement of cooperation between private and public actors and researchers will be an important aspect of the project. With this aim, the development of local policy frameworks and support tools will encourage the energy production and in particular, the promotion of geothermal energy. The project will also empower the communities and local authorities to address effective solutions to the threat of climate change and the construction of a new energy model.

Interreg Europe  

The ecoRIS3 projects inputs policy recommendations to Regional Smart Specialisation Strategies. The transfer of innovation and knowledge produced by the RTOs (Research  and Technological Organisations) and higher education entities to the local & regional businesses remains one of the most significant bottlenecks in terms of Innovation & Growth.

It is key to generate economic exploitation of the R&D results and particularly important in regional areas of Smart Specialization and innovation opportunity. Also, there is a clear need to improve and connect regional Challenges and Opportunities of RIS3, to local innovation policies and stakeholders, highlighting the role of the “territory” as the place where inter-linkages happen and knowledge flows.

For such purpose, regional & local authorities should play a key role of inter-mediation and, in accordance to ecoRIS3 objectives, promote better policies and measures to generate solid interactions between key stakeholders, to orchestrate sustainable innovation ecosystems within RIS3 strategies responding to the existing challenges and gaps.

Among the key activities and within a first phase of 3 years, further to a series of exchange of experience and learning through interregional events, the partners will produce: 1 Peer review document on "The role private and public stakeholders play in the local ecosystem in order to absorb innovation" ; 7 SWOT Analysis, 7 Action Plans and identify 64 Good Practices, that will benefit the key actors of the quadruple helix (Public sector, Civil Society, RTO & High Education, SMEs & Industry).


Erasmus+ Programme

The Green Mentor project  provides mentoring for Entrepreneurs setting up green enterprises, While mentoring is an established business practice, particularly in the entrepreneurial start-up area, mentoring to green entrepreneurs, who wish to incorporate environmental values into their businesses is a new and growing area. To date the project partners have produced six key outputs, trained 30 individuals in Ireland as green mentors using the materials developed during the project and are now seeking to access small or small-to medium businesses who would be interested in using the Green Mentor tools developed to examine their business with a green outlook.

Five European partner organisations contributed to the Green Mentor Project, namely, Cork Institute of Technology from Ireland; Utopicus and Infodef from Spain; BEST from Austria; and, BGE from Hungary. The Hincks Centre for Entrepreneurship, within CIT, developed one of the key project outputs, namely, the Green Mentor Handbook. Other key project outputs include a Green Mentor Toolkit containing useful tools designed to guide the mentor and mentee along the green mentoring journey and a draft curriculum which may form the basis for seeking certification of a green mentoring curriculum under existing European Vocational Educational Frameworks – although accreditation and European equivalent certification is outside the scope of this project.

Interreg Northern Periphery and Arctic Area

The Cool Route project focuses on coastal entrepreneurs and building new markets in marine tourism. The purpose of this initiative, is to link local enterprises to their local ports, providing information to marine tourists on what’s available in the port locality, by way of food and drink, entertainment, things to do and see and places to visit. The Cool Route project investigates all aspects of the practical logistics and business potential to establish a bi-directional yacht cruising route along the western offshore areas of the Northern Periphery Area, stretching from Co. Cork in the South of Ireland, to the UK (Northern Ireland and Western Scotland) and onwards to the Faroe Islands and Norway.

As an eco-tourism product, exploiting the natural resources of the zone in a manner that is sustainable and environmentally viable; this new sea route will be marketed internationally and will have a common branding, booking and information system. The project will also address the future legacy of its work; by ensuring that the Cool Route continues as a viable self-financing economic entity, following the completion of the project.

Horizon 2020

 The Startinshop project examines new export opportunities for SMEs. With a strong product design focus

Interreg Atlantic Area

The SmartRural project introduces new technologies in farm management. The initial research which established training requirements, was conducted in Spain, Austria, France and Ireland.  The Irish research was carried out by CIT who deliver a BSc in Agriculture, and BSc (Hons) in Agriculture ,in partnership with Teagasc. The Irish research showed that the majority of Irish farmers are using mobile devices.  There are a variety of uses including, as expected, phone calls and texts. Other uses include checking the weather forecast and researching agricultural techniques. 

Further training in mobile usage will expand the usage and benefits for the farming community.  Catherine Murphy, Project Manager of the Smart Rural Project at  CIT believes that that the training in mobile devices and usage will open up many new useful applications for the farming community. “Our research shows that farmers are keen to avail of new technologies to support farm efficiency. The training course will support farmers who want to learn more about farming apps”


For further information please contact:
European Projects
John McAleer
Tel.: +353 (0)21 4868112

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