Study Exchanges


Send an email to:, indicating where you would like to study, and which course you are enrolled on at MTU.  An initial meeting will be arranged with the MTU Erasmus coordinator, at which you can discuss your options for studying abroad. 


You should then contact the Erasmus academic coordinator in your department for advice on selecting the most suitable modules/course offered by the partner institutions.  Before this meeting, you should check the websites of your department’s partner institutions and research the modules which will be available during the period of your planned exchange semester/s.


You will then need to complete an Erasmus Application Form and an Erasmus Learning Agreement, indicating the modules and credits you plan to take at the host institution.  You will also be asked to complete an Erasmus application form.  Both the application form and the learning agreement must be approved by your head of department before they are submitted to the Erasmus Office.


Following receipt of the signed application form and learning agreement, the Erasmus Office will send an email to the partner institution nominating you for an Erasmus exchange there.  The host institution will then contact you with details of how to apply on-line, and which support documents you will need to upload with your application.

Students may be asked to upload some or all of the following items with their application:

  • Completed ECTS learning agreement, signed by student and MTU Erasmus Academic Coordinator
  • Copy of European Health Insurance Card (must be valid for period full Erasmus period.  (
  • Copy of photo page of valid passport
  • Transcript of Results from most recent examinations

A copy of the host institution’s on-line application form should be printed out, signed, and passed to the Erasmus Office to be signed and forwarded to the host institution.


After the application deadline has passed, the host institution will send an acceptance email or letter, directly to the student, or to the MTU Erasmus Office, and you can then go ahead and make all practical arrangements for your exchange.


The MTU Erasmus Office will then arrange payment of the Erasmus grant and prepare the necessary documentation for you to sign.





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