Structured Modules for Postgraduate Study

Taught Modules and other Approved Learning 

  • Registered students on structured research programmes are required to undertake mandatory taught modules and other approved learning.
  • Registered students on an approved Structured PhD must complete a minimum of 30 credits of taught modules and other approved learning.
  • Registered students on a Professional Doctorate must complete a minimum of 30 credits of taught modules and other approved learning.
  • Registered students on an approved Masters by Research must complete a minimum of 15 credits of taught modules and other approved learning.
  • The 10-credit Graduate Research Skills module is mandatory for all students unless a student has obtained RPL for previous completion of a module of equivalent content and level. The remaining credits may be accumulated through approved learning in the form of relevant transferrable skills modules, discipline-specific modules and work-placement or other professional learning which are eligible for inclusion in the programme schedule.
  • The mandatory credits of approved learning should normally be at levels 10, 9 or 8 and may include a work placement module (Appendix F of the Regulations for Postgraduate Research Study).
  • Taught modules and other approved learning may be grouped to form a Special Purpose Award worth 30 ECTS credits in addition to their Structured PhD or Masters by Research. The Certificate in Research Development & Practice is placed on Level 9 of the National Framework of Qualifications.

Module Descriptors:


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