RPL Higher Education and Lifelong Learning National project


This national project, which is a collaboration between the Technological Universities, the Institutes of Technology and Universities, is working to streamline and strengthen RPL across partner institutions, so that larger numbers of learners, particularly those in the workforce, can benefit from higher education. The National RPL in Higher Education Project is funded under the Irish Government’s Human Capital Initiative (HCI) Pillar 3 (Innovation and agility), this ambitious 5-year (2020- 2025) €6.9m project has transformative potential for Ireland’s education system to become an international leader in the field. Our vision is that RPL will be an integral part of the higher education system, widely understood and utilised as a flexible pathway to further learning, certification, and professional development.


For more information on the National RPL in Higher Education Project, see: www.priorlearning.ie


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