General Queries

  • Online Registration
    All eligible students will be emailed to complete their online registration from mid-August (or early-September for those with Autumn repeats and CAO offers). 
    The deadline to enrol for Semester 1 is Friday, 4th October 2024 and Semester 2 is Friday, 7th February 2025.
  • When will I receive my timetable?
    Students will receive their timetables by email from their department prior to the semester 1 start date. Timetables will be made available from your department.
  • Start/Return Dates
    Year 1 Full time classes are due to commence on September 16th, you will be contacted by your department with timetable information closer to the date.

    Post Year 1 classes will begin from September 10th, your department will be in contact closer to the beginning of Semester 1.

    You can find department contact details here.
    Please Note: Admissions are not involved in or have any information regarding class timetables.
  • I was not successful in my autumn repeats, what do I do?

    Students who have more than 5 credits outstanding will need to complete a registration form to enrol for the academic year 2024/2025. This registration form will need to be approved by your Head of Department, before returning the form to the Admissions Office for processing.

    You can request a copy of this form by emailing the Admissions office at ( you will find department contact details here.

  • Deferring
    The decision to defer in some cases is straightforward, however, if you are very confused or unsure, we suggest that you discuss the matter with the Careers Service or with your head of department/lecturer/family in order to make an informed decision. Deferrals are granted for one academic year only.

    Students are advised to research the fees and grant implications they may face by deferring their course. Information regarding Fees can be found here.

    CAO Applicants: If you wish to defer your current offer do not accept it now, you must contact the Admissions Office immediately by email with the text 'Deferred Entry' in the subject line of the email, giving a reason for your deferral. See the CAO Handbook for more information.

    Please note: that it is not possible to defer full-time courses delivered at the MTU Cork School of Music - you will have to reapply the following year

    Attending students: To apply for a deferral, a Deferral Application Form must be completed and approved by your Head of Department before returning the form to  the MTU Cork Admissions office. Department contact details can be found here.

    If you are unsure, and would like to discuss your options further please contact the Careers Service on 021-4326232 or email  

    Deadline for deferrals:
    Semester 1 October 31st 2024
    Semester 2 February 28th 2025
  • Fees Office
    Important Fees Deadlines for 2024/2025: Deferrals and Withdrawals
    Semester 1 October 31st 2024
    Semester 2 February 28th 2025
    More information on Fees can be found here
  • Module options and CRNs
    Full-time and part-time students completing elective modules must register for them at the beginning of each semester.
    The deadline for Semester 1 module enrolment is 5.00pm on 4th October 2024 and for Semester 2, it is 5.00pm on 7th February 2025. 

    Late enrolment fines apply after these dates.
    Ensure that your mandatory as well as elective modules are all listed on MyBan.

    Do not remove any mandatory modules.
    Before registering for a module, you must first obtain the 5-digit CRN (Course Reference Number) from your lecturer.
  • Letters of Attendance
    Students who require a letter and/or form confirming their enrolment status and course duration, can request this from their department.

    Department contact details can be found here

    Students who need a form to be stamped, please contact The Admissions Office.
  • ID card
    Year 1 students will receive their student ID card during their scheduled orientation.

    Part Time and Post Year 1 students who you wish to obtain or update an ID Card please contact the card office


  • Access Office

    If you are a student with a disability (including dyslexia, learning difference etc), a HEAR and/or DARE applicant, a member of the traveller and/or Roma communities or a mature student you are welcome to avail of the support of the Access and Disability Services in MTU. 

    Mature Students


    Disability and DARE 

    Traveller and Roma Community



    Student Supports

    Academic Learning Centre – The Academic Learning Centre allows students to seek out extra help and support for modules and at their own pace. 

    Access Office – Students with learning differences, medical conditions and disabilities are encouraged to contact the Access Office as early as possible in the academic year to arrange supports to be put in place.  You can email the Access Office at

    Accommodation Office 



    Medical Centre

  • Student email details/ Reset password

Each student will be emailed their student email address, and ID details.

This will be sent to the personal email address we have on record.

If you wish to reset your password, you can do so at

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