Study options and flexibility

Lifelong Learning & Part-time Study

If you are a mature student who is interested in studying at third level, CIT has a lot to offer you. There are opportunities in all the courses described in the Full-Time Handbook, plus hundreds more courses offered on a part-time or evening basis, please click here to view prospectuses (full-time and part-time).

No Points Race

As a mature applicant (over 23) you can apply through the Central Applications Office (CAO) for a full-time course. The CAO points system will not be a barrier - you are treated as a "non-standard applicant" and you will be considered by CIT on the basis of your experience and suitability for the course. (See the section on "Non-Standard Applicants").

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

CIT operates an RPL service which allows an individual with sufficient prior experience or learning to gain credit for modules on a course. RPL is based on a process of self-review and involves the production of a portfolio to compare your learning with that of the subject in question. This service is offered to registered students.

ACCS: Take it in Stages

ACCS stands for "Accumulation of Credits and Certification of Subjects". In spite of that complicated title, it is a wonderfully simple idea. Instead of studying a complete full-time course, you can take one or more modules at a time. Once you pass, it is certified individually. By accumulating modules, you can obtain an award at higher certificate, degree or honours degree level.

The Institute offers many evening courses through this system and in addition, accommodates some students on its full-time courses.

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