Entry Requirements


  • For most Honours Degrees on the CAO Level 8 List:
    (but see exceptions listed below)
    Leaving Certificate with two H5 and four O6/H7 grades including Mathematics, and either English or Irish.

  • For most Degrees on the CAO Level 7 List:
    (but see exceptions listed below)
    Leaving Certificate with five O6/H7 grades including Mathematics, and either English or Irish.

  • Minimum entry requirements may be satisfied by the results of more than one Leaving Certificate examination.
  • The minimum entry requirements may be varied for Non-Standard Applicants and holders of FETAC (now QQI) awards; see the relevant sections of this website.

Minimum entry requirements for the following CAO courses differ from the above.


Full details of minimum entry requirements for courses are outlined in the relevant course information section of this website. Applicants are advised to check the relevant subjects, tests and dates very carefully. In particular, there are early assessment procedures for some courses.


Early Assessment Procedures for Year 1 Full-time Courses

MTU Crawford College of Art & Design (CCAD)


Application closing date 1st February

In order to be considered for a place on the MTU CCAD courses CR210, CR220, CR225, and CR600, applicants must satisfy the minimum academic requirements. For entry 2021, all applicants are to submit a portfolio in a digital format.


Minimum entry requirements

  • Leaving Certificate in six subjects (H5 in two subjects, and O6/H7 in four other subjects). One of the subjects must be English or Irish.
  • Alternatively, applicants should have any QQI/FETAC major awardcomprising 8 subjects with 3 Distinctions.
  • Applicants must present a portfolio of work for assessment. The portfolio will be marked, with a maximum of 600 marks being available for it. A minimum of 240 (40%) marks must be obtained inthe Portfolio Assessment in order for an applicant to be eligible for the course.
  • Applicants should apply through the CAO by 1st February, you will be able to submit your digital portfolio for assessment anytime from 1st February until the 12th March.
  • The marks allocated to the portfolio will be communicated to the CAO and emailed to the applicant by the end of May. When the Leaving Certificate examination results become available, the CAO will make offers in the usual manner.

Digital Portfolio Submission


Portfolio Guidelines >>


The portfolio submission period is from the 1st February - 12th March 2021.

Before you start your Digital Portfolio Submission:

  • You will need your CAO number to begin your submission. All courses which require portfolio assessment must have been included on your CAO application by 1st February deadline.
  • Your digital portfolio submission should have a minimum of 10 piecesand a maximum of 25 pieces uploaded to your submission in a pdf format. You will find tips for creating a digital portfolio on the Crawford website.
  • You will also find frequently asked questions on the Crawfordwebsite.
  • Film + video files must be submitted via a url: YouTube, Vimeo, etc. Please make sure that any online videos are public and password free for assessing.
  • If you have any queries, please email ccad.enquiries@cit.ie
  • Department of Fine Art & Applied Art
    (CR220 Fine Art / CR210 Contemporary Applied Art, (Ceramics, Glass, Textiles)

    The CAO points system does not apply. Applicants for the BA (Honours) in Contemporary Applied Art (Ceramics, Glass, Textiles)) CR210, and the BA (Honours) in Fine Art CR220 are required to present a portfolio of work in addition to having the minimum entry requirements detailed in the course information. Please note the CAO closing date is 1st February, late application will not be accepted.
  • CR225 Photography with New Media
    The CAO points system does not apply. Instead applicants are required to meet the minimum academic  requirements i.e. a Leaving Certificate in six subjects (H5 in two subjects, and O6/H7 in four other subjects). One of the subjects must be English or Irish. Alternatively applicants should have any QQI/FETAC major award comprising 8 subjects with 3 Distinctions.  Applicants are also required to present a portfolio of work for review. 

  • Department of Media Communications 
    (CR600 Visual Communications)

    The CAO points system does not apply. Applicants for the BA (Honours) in Visual Communications CR600 are required to present a portfolio of work in addition to having the minimum entry requirements detailed in the course information. Please note the CAO closing date is 1st February, late application will not be accepted.

MTU Cork School of Music

  • BMus (Honours) CR121
    This is a Restricted Application Course and all applicants must sit the MTU Cork School of Music (CSM) Honours Degree Entrance Test (provisionally scheduled for 17th April 2021). This involves performance, aural and sight-singing tests, and a written paper dealing with rudiments, compositional techniques [harmony] and general musical knowledge. Normally, applicants should have reached at least Grade VI on their Principal Instrument. For further information, sample past papers, and audio, please visit http://csm.cit.ie. MTU CSM recommends that Special Category Applicants apply by 1st February, however, applications will be accepted up to 1st May. Candidates are not allowed to defer the results of the Entrance Test.

  • BA (Honours) in Popular Music CR125
    This is a ‘Restricted Access’ course which means that you must undergo an assessment day in the MTU Cork School of Music, Union Quay, Cork (provisionally scheduled for 15th - 18th April 2021). Each candidate who sits an Assessment Test is awarded up to a maximum of 600 points that are added to the Leaving Certificate points for the purpose of determining entry. Each standard candidate must achieve the minimum threshold of 276 points in the Assessment Test and must also meet the minimum Leaving Certificate entry requirement in order to be eligible for admission. Applicants will be required to prepare two contrasting pieces of music; undergo an interview; and sit a written assessment paper. For further information, sample past papers, and audio, please visit http://csm.cit.ie. MTU CSM recommends that Special Category Applicants apply by 1st February, however, applications will be accepted up to 1st May. Candidates are not allowed to defer the results of the Entrance Test.

  • BA (Honours in Musical Theatre CR130
    This is a ‘Restricted Access’ course which means that you must undergo an assessment day in the MTU Cork School of Music, Union Quay, Cork (provisionally scheduled for 15th - 18th April 2021). Each candidate who sits an Assessment Test is awarded up to a maximum of 600 points that are added to the Leaving Certificate points for the purpose of determining entry. Each standard candidate must achieve the minimum threshold of 276 points in the Assessment Test and must also meet the minimum Leaving Certificate entry requirement in order to be eligible for admission. The Assessment Test comprises: a one-hour workshop involving dance and drama improvisation - no specific preparation required for either; and an individual audition where you will sing two contrasting musical theatre songs, perform a dramatic monologue of your own choice from a published work, and undergo a brief interview, visit http://csm.cit.ie. MTU CSM recommends that Special Category Applicants apply by 1st February, however, applications will be accepted up to 1st May. Candidates are not allowed to defer the results of the Entrance Assessment Test.
  • BA (Honours) in Theatre & Drama Studies CR700
    This is a ‘Restricted Access’ course which means that you must undergo an assessment day in the MTU Cork School of Music, Union Quay, Cork (provisionally scheduled for 16th - 17th April 2021). Each candidate who sits an Assessment Test is awarded up to a maximum of 600 points that are added to the Leaving Certificate points for the purpose of determining entry. Each standard candidate must achieve the minimum threshold of 276 points in the Assessment Test and must also meet the minimum Leaving Certificate entry requirement in order to be eligible for admission. For the practical assessment, candidates will prepare a three-to-four minute monologue from a published play of their choice. Individual auditions/interviews will also include the performance of a short, previously unseen text given on the day. Each candidate will also take part in a 45-minute group drama workshop and complete a brief written exercise on an unprepared theatre topic. For further information and sample past papers, please visit http://csm.cit.ie. CIT CSM recommends that Special Category Applicants apply by 1st February, however, applications will be accepted up to 1st May. Candidates are not allowed to defer the results of the Entrance Assessment Test.
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