Further Information for Applicants

EU and non-EU Applicants

Year 1 Full-time courses:

Applicants must apply via the  Central Applications Office  (CAO) system www.cao.ie  by 1st February, or for late applications, 1st May. A change of mind can be made by 1st July.

Advanced Entry (Year 2, 3 or 4)

The Central Applications Office (www.cao.ie ) processes applications for years 2, 3 and 4 of undergraduate courses in Irish Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). This entry route is known as Advanced Entry. Applicants must have relevant Higher or Further Education or an equivalent to be considered for the Advanced Entry route. Decisions on admission to advanced entry courses at CIT, (years 2, 3 or 4), are made by CIT who instructs CAO to make offers to successful candidates.

Please ensure that you have included all relevant information (once available) that might help CIT to assess your application including:

Copies of QQI L5 and 6 awards;

Copies of BTEC and other awards;

Transcripts from previous Higher Education;

A CV with information about relevant previous experience with references;

A statement of interest.


All supporting documentation must be sent to the CAO www.cao.ie . Failure to supply CAO with supporting documentation may result in your application not being successful.

Non-EU applicants: Apply by 1st May for Post-Year 1 programmes by downloading the Non-Eu Application Form. Please note that there are both academic and residency conditions governing the offer of places to non-Eu applicants. Non-EU students are required to produce a Study Visa from the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform for the course for which they have applied. For conditions attached to acquiring this please refer to the following website: http://www.inis.gov.ie


For costs/payment queries please contact the Finance Office T: 00353 21 433 5440, or E: fees@cit.ie



For Accommodation queries, please contact accommodation@cit.ie.



Institutes of Technology Central Evaluation Forum (IOTCEF)

The purpose of the Institutes of Technology Central Evaluation Forum (IOTCEF) is to provide an open and transparent central scoring system for

  • Applicants presenting European school leaving qualifications (outside the Republic of Ireland),
  • Applicants from outside the EU,
  • Applicants from both within and outside the EU whose first language is not English.

Details of the IOTCEF are available at: http://www.cao.ie/index.php?page=scoring&s=iotcef

It must be borne in mind that each Institute of Technology is a separate admitting authority. CIT therefore reserves the right to accept or not accept a recommendation from IOTCEF.

Please note: where courses have specific entry requirements these must be satisfied before an institution will award a place.

All foreign applicants who have been offered places will be required to satisfy all the normal legal requirements (as laid down by the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform and the Department of Foreign Affairs) to gain access to education in this country, before acceptance and registration requirements can be brought to a conclusion.

Applicants must apply through the CAO system. Complete information on this is available in the CAO Handbook issued each
year and is also available on the CAO website at: www.cao.ie

Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (LCVP)

Holders of the Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme apply in the normal way through the CAO. Points are awarded on the same basis as for the Leaving Certificate.

The Link Modules are considered as a single unit and are awarded points on the basis of: Pass 30 points, Pass with Merit 50 points, Pass with Distinction 70 points. The link modules ‘subject’ may not be used to meet minimum entry requirements.

Leaving Certificate Applied Programme

The Leaving Certificate Applied subjects do not meet the minimum requirements for entry. Holders of Leaving Certificate Applied may wish to proceed to a FETAC course and in turn to third-level on the basis of a FETAC award.

Foundation Level Mathematics

A pass in Foundation Level Mathematics does not satisfy the general entry requirements in regard to Mathematics. However, a Grade B2 or higher is recognised as a subject for entry to:

  • CIT Crawford College of Art & Design
  • CIT Cork School of Music
  • Culinary Studies CR655
  • Hospitality Studies CR657
  • Visual Communications CR600
  • Community Development CR035
  • Early Years Education CR620.

In such cases CAO points are awarded as follows: A1 = 20 points; A2 = 15 points; B1 = 10 points; and B2 = 5 points.

CIT Mathematics Exam

CIT holds a Mathematics examination for applicants who have expressed an interest in any of its programmes that require certain minimum levels of performance in Mathematics. The purpose of this examination is to provide such applicants with a “second chance” opportunity to achieve these minimum Mathematics entry requirements.

Please click here for more details

National Maritime College of Ireland (NMCI)

Applicants who are offered a place on a course at NMCI are required to pass approved medical fitness and eyesight tests as specified by the Maritime Safety Directorate of the Department of Transport and are recommended to attend a career advisory session.
Contact the Admissions office at NMCI T: 021 4335600 or E: admissions@nmci.ie

Deferring a Place

The Institute will try to facilitate successful applicants who wish to postpone entry. The recommended procedure is as follows:
1. Applicants should not accept the offer through the CAO;
2. The applicant receiving the offer should write immediately to the Admissions Office, CIT, so that the letter arrives not later than two days before the reply date for the offer, seeking a deferral and setting out the reason for the request. The applicant should enclose with the letter, Part C of the Offer Notice.

Postgraduate Admissions

The appropriate form for admission as a postgraduate student of CIT is available from the Admissions Office, CIT. Students are required to contact the Department of CIT in which they wish to pursue their postgraduate studies prior to returning their application form.

Postgraduate Research Register

Intending postgraduate research students must also apply to and be accepted onto the relevant postgraduate research register before commencing their research studies. The application form is available from the Registrar's Office, CIT.

General Admission Enquiries

If you have enquiries about CIT’s admissions procedures (other than CAO enquiries), please contact:

The Admissions Office,
CIT Bishopstown Campus
T: 021 433 5040
E: admissions@cit.ie


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