Sexual Assault: Emergency and Supports

In case of an emergency please call 112 or 999. 



A Note from the President

MTU is here to provide support to any member of the University community who has been affected by sexual violence or assault. It is entirely the individual’s choice which course of action they wish to take, MTU will support them in that choice and will be there to guide and support them through the process if they choose to talk to us. Please see more information on this process below.

We also understand that individuals affected may not wish to talk to us. Below is also a list of external supports. 

Prof. Maggie Cusack

MTU President



  Here is how to report if you wish 


If you need to support a friend:                                                                                                        

If someone wishes to talk, Listen …. Listen …. Listen without judgment, be supportive, be compassionate, do not give advice, do not probe for details, reassure they are not to blame, be aware of own prejudices. Respect their right to do something or nothing about it. Advise of the support services if they wish to attend. Please see below for details of supports available.


University Supports

MTU Cork Campuses Counselling Service: 

Emails are being responded to during working hours, Monday - Friday 8.30am - 4.00pm. Contact them at


MTU Cork Campuses Medical Centre: - Medical



Cork Local Supports

Cork Garda Stations (all open 24/7)

We advise that you ask for the station member who is trained in dealing with reports of sexual harassment and violence, if you are contacting a Garda station to report a case of that nature.


Anglesea Street

Phone: 021 452 2000 Website



Phone: 021 494 3330  Website



Phone: 021 494 7120 Website



Phone: 021 455 8510 Website 


Cork Sexual Violence Centre

The Sexual Violence Centre is involved in a range of activities. Its most important work is the direct provision of services to the survivors of rape, sexual assault and child sexual abuse. The services are confidential, free of charge, and provided by highly experienced professional staff.


Phone: 021 450 5577

Text: 087 1533393

Helpline Freephone: 1800 496 496

Location: 5 Camden Palace, Cork city 



Cork Sexual Assault Treatment Unit (SATU)

They provide specialist care for women and men aged fourteen years and over who have recently been sexually assaulted or raped. The specialist team of SATU staff provide easily accessible, holistic services which address the medical, psychological and emotional needs and appropriate follow up care for victims of sexual crime, in a supportive, sensitive manner.

Opening Hours: 24 hour service South Infirmary Victoria Hospital

Phone: 021 492 6297 Mon-Fri 8.30 -16.30

Phone: 021 492 6100 Out of Hours and Weekends




Kerry Local Supports:

Garda Station (open 24/7)

We advise that you ask for the station member who is trained in dealing with reports of sexual harassment and violence, if you are contacting a Garda station to report a case of that nature.


Tralee Garda Station

Phone: 0667102300 Website

Address: Tralee Garda Station, New Road, Tralee, Co. Kerry,V92 EV79


Kerry Rape & Sexual Abuse Centre

The Kerry Rape & Sexual Abuse Centre was established in 1992 to provide a professional, confidential and free counselling service to female and male survivors of:

  • Rape
  • Date Rape
  • Marital Rape
  • Incest
  • Child Sexual Abuse
  • Sexual Assault
  • Sexual Harassment
  • All Forms of Sexual Violence


Helpline Freephone: 1800 633 333

Location: 5 Greenview Terrace, Princes Quay, Tralee, Kerry




National Supports 



Crime Victims Helpline

Crime Victims Helpline offers support to all victims of crime in Ireland. Established in 2005, their aim is to support, inform and empower victims of crime and all those impacted by crime.

Opening Hours:

Monday – 10am to 7.30pm
Tuesday to Friday – 10am to 5pm
Saturday and Bank Holidays – 2pm to 4pm
Sunday – Closed

Freephone: 116 006

Text: 085 1337711




An Garda Síochána

In an emergency, if a crime is happening right now or someone is in immediate danger,

Phone: 999/112

If you are deaf, deafened, hard of hearing or have a speech impairment: Text 112, you need to register your phone on before using this service.       

To report an incident of sexual violence or domestic abuse, contact your local Garda Station. For all non-emergency calls to the police call your local Garda Station.

We advise that you ask for the station member who is trained in dealing with reports of sexual harassment and violence, if you are contacting a Garda station to report a case of that nature.




Safe Ireland

SAFE Ireland is the National Social Change Agency working on Domestic Violence in Ireland. SAFE Ireland works with frontline domestic violence services across Ireland to provide state of the art and sustainable responses to women and children experiencing domestic violence in our communities.

Phone: 090 647 9090



Location: Unit 5 Centre Court, Blyry Business Park, Co. Westmeath 



Women’s Aid

The Women’s Aid National Freephone Helpline 1800 341 900 operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and provides support and information to callers experiencing abuse from intimate partners.

Phone: 1800 341 900





Men's Aid

Men’s Aid Ireland is the only dedicated national service supporting men and their families experiencing Domestic Violence including coercive control in Ireland. Our professional and qualified support team have years of experience in supporting men and families experiencing domestic abuse.

Phone: 01 5543811

(Please note that if you require a callback from us our phone number will show up as a private number on your phone)





LGBT Ireland

LGBT Ireland is a national support service for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender people and their families and friends. It offers a comprehensive range of services providing support and information on issues relating to sexuality and gender identity. Services include the National LGBT Helpline, Transgender Family Line, Online Chat Service and Peer Support Groups.






Phone: 1890 929 539

Opening Hours:

Monday to Thursday – 6.30pm-10pm
Friday – 4pm-10pm
Saturday and Sunday – 4pm-6pm




Phone: 01 907 3707

Opening Hours:

Tuesday – 10am-12pm
Sunday – 6pm-9pm


Opening Hours:

Monday to Thursday – 6.30pm-10pm
Friday – 4pm-10pm
Saturday and Sunday – 4pm-6pm




Available Monthly Online





MOVE Ireland

MOVE – Men Overcoming Violence works in the area of domestic violence, with a primary aim of supporting the safety and wellbeing of women and their children who are experiencing, or have experienced violence/abuse in an intimate relationship.

MOVE does this by facilitating men in a weekly group process that involves them taking responsibility for their violence and changing their attitude and behaviour. MOVE also provides all female partners/ex-partners of the men on the MOVE programmes information, support and safety planning during and after their partners/ex-partners attendance on the programme.

Phone: 065 684 8689 (MOVE Ireland National Office)

Office Opening Hours: Monday to Friday - 9am-5pm

Regional Contact Numbers:

MOVE Cork - 086 6044047
MOVE Limerick/Clare, North Tipperary, Kerry - 086 4149613




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